
Wilton Method of Cake decorating:Course 1 Lesson One

Woohoo!! I finally attended the first class in Course 1. I was five minutes late due to baby wanting a last drink from the 'tap'! There was also a slight jam on the way to Kota Damansara on this lovely Saturday morning but I managed to get to class in time for the class introduction.

My instructor was Ms.Angeline Stanley. From what I gathered she has been teaching at Wilton ICCA for about five years now and is an established cake decorator.You may checkout her website to see her cute cakes. There were 14 students including moi and all had their special reasons for joining this course. They ranged from retirees to aspiring cake business people like myself. There was even one guy and he wanted to learn cake decorating for his wedding events business. Aaaaand as always there's that one overachiever student who asks a lot of questions and has been attending all the other courses to one up herself! haha!

Well today was more of an introductory class. It still was full of information. Information that you would definitely not get by just watching Youtube. All and all we were taught on how to tell the difference between stiff, medium and thin consistencies of icing. Then we were taught on how to colour the icing and she gave many tips that was not stated in the Wilton Course book. We were also taught on how to properly ice and tort a cake. I mean I've done all that before but the techniques were really useful and methodical.

This is what was in my student kit.

We were taught about the use of different tips and how to use them with couplers and piping bags.I found that it was very useful how Angeline described how to manipulate the piping bag using the angles of your wrist and in reference to the positions on the clock. At last we were given a demo on the famous Wilton rose. Angeline made it look so effortless!

Finally like in any class we were given HOMEWORK! Yes for the next lesson we were supposed to bake a cake of our choice, tort and ice it ourselves and bring it to class. Apparently we are to complete a rainbow decorated cake in Lesson two. Even though it looks like a simple cake, I think it's an important base to all cake decorating skills. For that, I'm excited!

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